2003-08-16 19:52 giles

Correct the release date in the documentation footer and increment the version number for release.

[doc/API.htm 1.36, doc/Bug-form.htm 1.38, doc/Bug-info.htm 1.37, doc/C-style.htm 1.43, doc/Commprod.htm 1.29, doc/Copying.htm 1.28, doc/DLL.htm 1.32, doc/Deprecated.htm 1.9, doc/Develop.htm 1.119, doc/Devices.htm 1.69, doc/Drivers.htm 1.40, doc/Fonts.htm 1.38, doc/Helpers.htm 1.32, doc/History1.htm 1.28, doc/History2.htm 1.28, doc/History3.htm 1.28, doc/History4.htm 1.28, doc/History5.htm 1.30, doc/History6.htm 1.45, doc/History7.htm 1.33, doc/History8.htm 1.5, doc/Htmstyle.htm 1.33, doc/Install.htm 1.43, doc/Issues.htm 1.38, doc/Language.htm 1.75, doc/Lib.htm 1.31, doc/Maintain.htm 1.39, doc/Make.htm 1.69, doc/New-user.htm 1.48, doc/Projects.htm 1.53, doc/Ps-style.htm 1.26, doc/Ps2epsi.htm 1.30, doc/Ps2pdf.htm 1.55, doc/Psfiles.htm 1.49, doc/Readme.htm 1.51, doc/Source.htm 1.28, doc/Tester.htm 1.28, doc/Testing.htm 1.22, doc/Unix-lpr.htm 1.28, doc/Use.htm 1.88, doc/Xfonts.htm 1.28, doc/gs-vms.hlp 1.27]

2003-08-16 19:48 giles

Bump the release date for Ghostscript 8.11.

[doc/News.htm 1.134, doc/Release.htm 1.80, man/dvipdf.1 1.26, man/font2c.1 1.26, man/gs.1 1.27, man/gslp.1 1.26, man/gsnd.1 1.26, man/pdf2dsc.1 1.25, man/pdf2ps.1 1.27, man/pdfopt.1 1.25, man/pf2afm.1 1.26, man/pfbtopfa.1 1.27, man/printafm.1 1.26, man/ps2ascii.1 1.25, man/ps2epsi.1 1.24, man/ps2pdf.1 1.31, man/ps2pdfwr.1 1.30, man/ps2ps.1 1.33, man/wftopfa.1 1.26, src/version.mak 1.65]

2003-08-16 19:43 giles

Document testing.cfg as well as testing.cfg.example.

[doc/Testing.htm 1.21]

2003-08-16 07:53 raph (details)

Cleans up the behavior of the .tempfile operator, primarily making it
consistent across all the platforms, ensuring that the TMPDIR and TEMP
environment variables are effective, the system temp directory is used
when these are not specified, and the permissions for tempfile
creation work as expected (allowed in the simple case, but closing off
potential vulnerabilities in other cases. Intended as a final fix for
bug #686922.

[doc/Language.htm 1.74, src/gp.h 1.25, src/gp_mswin.c 1.22, src/gp_vms.c 1.32, src/gpmisc.h 1.12, src/lib.mak 1.131, src/zfile.c 1.36]

2003-08-16 06:51 ray (details)

Convert ASCII range font names found during the FONTPATH scanning to
simole ASCII aliases (original Unicode names preserved). Fixes bug 686861
for customer 131.

[lib/gs_fonts.ps 1.41]

2003-08-16 00:42 ray (details)

Pass path across grestore using base "identity" coordinates to prevent
limitcheck errors. The upath operator returns coordinates in the current
user space, but these are no longer valid across a CTM change such as
"grestore" or "setgstate" causes. Fixes SF bug #687001 for customers
580 and 590.

[lib/pdf_ops.ps 1.31]

2003-08-15 22:32 raph (details)

Fixes two pointers to freed objects that were left dangling
in the PDF 1.4 transparency logic. Fixes bug #686994.

[src/gdevp14.c 1.19, src/gsdfilt.c 1.8, src/gsdfilt.h 1.9, src/gsstate.c 1.21, src/gzstate.h 1.9]

2003-08-15 20:23 giles

Correct a typo in the previous commit.

[src/gp_macio.c 1.29]

2003-08-15 20:19 giles

Remove redunant prototypes from gp_mac.h and modernise the implementation
of gp_open_scratch_file on MacOS to match the updated prototype in gp.h.
Also adds some limit checking in that implementation.

Note that gp_mac.h is now empty. I've left it in the build in expectation of
future usefulness.

[src/gp_mac.h 1.5, src/gp_macio.c 1.28]

2003-08-14 22:28 ghostgum (details)

Update DSC parser to latest version from GSview.

[src/dscparse.c 1.13, src/dscparse.h 1.12]

2003-08-14 19:56 alexcher

Fix make files and portability layer to compile on Borland 5.5
freeware compiler.

[src/bcwin32.mak 1.29, src/unistd_.h 1.9, src/winint.mak 1.20]

2003-08-14 17:52 alexcher

Include time.h and sys/time.h on Intel compiler as requested by Duraid Madina.
Fix bug 686984

[src/time_.h 1.7]

2003-08-14 17:32 alexcher

Update non-DLL version to support visual tracer.
Fix bug 686993

[src/dwdll.c 1.6, src/dwnodll.c 1.5, src/msvc32.mak 1.47]

2003-08-13 16:04 alexcher

Fix portability issues: add a portable header for sscanf() and
use specific handle HDROP instead of generic HANDLE.

[src/dwimg.c 1.9, src/winint.mak 1.19]

2003-08-13 15:56 alexcher

Don't rely on MS linker merging global variables defined multiple times.

[src/dwtrace.h 1.5]

2003-08-13 15:54 alexcher

Update GS icon file by re-saving it in MSVC 6. Old icon file was incompatible
with OpenWatcom resource compiler.

[src/gswin.icx 1.2]

2003-08-13 15:49 alexcher

Remove comma from the linker command line because the following indirect
file contains keyword-value pairs, not a list of values.

[src/watcw32.mak 1.27]

2003-08-13 15:14 alexcher

OpenWatcom doesn't define LPRGBQUAD. Add the corresponding typedef.
Partial fix for 686816

[src/windows_.h 1.5]

2003-08-12 14:13 ray

Add the headers ($Id: Changes.htm,v 1.48 2003/08/16 21:27:24 giles Exp $ line and copyright notices).

[toolbin/genfontmap.ps 1.2]

2003-08-12 13:32 igor

Fix : The condition for empty environment string was wrong in ztempfile.
Bug 686922 "no default temp dir"

[src/zfile.c 1.35]

2003-08-11 19:14 igor (details)

Fix (pdfwrite) : The default implementation of stringwidth is incompatible with Type 3 font processing.

[src/gdevpdte.c 1.43, src/gdevpdtt.c 1.54, src/gxchar.c 1.30, src/gxchar.h 1.14]

2003-08-11 17:42 ray

Correct offsets into .bigstring (broken when string size changed from 1000).

[lib/gs_frsd.ps 1.8]

2003-08-11 11:50 igor (details)

Fix (pdfwrite) : Don't write OP into charprocs.

[src/gdevpdfg.c 1.34]

2003-08-11 11:44 igor (details)

Fix (pdfwrite) : Check a run out charstring while converting Type 1 font into Type2.

[src/gdevpdtb.c 1.21, src/gdevpsf2.c 1.27, src/gdevpsfx.c 1.22]

2003-08-10 06:33 dan (details)

Fix for Bug 686991  Memory leak in CET test file 12-07.ps.

[src/zimage.c 1.12]

2003-08-08 18:45 ray (details)

Adjust internal string lengths to allow for long path/filenames such as
for Resource paths. OS limits may be shorter than the 8192 length allowed
for after this changes, but now interpreter internals won't cause a failure.
Customer 590 found this with a long GenericResourceDir. Bug #686989.

[lib/gs_cidcm.ps 1.11, lib/gs_diskn.ps 1.5, lib/gs_fntem.ps 1.7, lib/gs_fonts.ps 1.40, lib/gs_frsd.ps 1.7, lib/gs_pdfwr.ps 1.36, lib/gs_pfile.ps 1.5, lib/gs_res.ps 1.34, lib/gs_resst.ps 1.3, lib/gs_statd.ps 1.12, lib/gslp.ps 1.6, lib/pdf_main.ps 1.76, lib/pphs.ps 1.6, lib/wftopfa.ps 1.5]

2003-08-07 18:19 ray

Add a utility to create a Fontmap format file after forcing a scan of all
FONTPATH directories. The created Fontmap file will contain direct links
to all fonts found, so that subsequent runs of Ghostscript that use this
Fontmap won't need to perform the time consuming scan of the FONTPATH.

[toolbin/genfontmap.ps 1.1]

2003-08-07 17:09 igor (details)

Fix (pdfwrite) : Widths were computed wrongly with Type 3 fonts.

[src/gdevpdte.c 1.42, src/gdevpdtw.c 1.23]

2003-08-06 17:05 alexcher

Allocate larger buffer for generated charstrings. Old allocation was
insufficient for gray block characters. (Unicode 2591, 2592, 2593).
Fix bug 686987.

[lib/bdftops.ps 1.7]

2003-08-06 16:24 giles

Disable the legacy macstdio device in the default Codewarrior build. It conflicts
with and is obsoleted by the modern Metrowerks Standard Library and our default
Carbon build, which most users are now using.

[src/macos-mcp.mak 1.21]

2003-08-06 16:13 giles

Remove an unused local variable

[src/gdevpdtw.c 1.22]

2003-08-06 15:50 giles

Fix incorrect line endings.

[src/gdevpdtw.c 1.21]

2003-08-04 13:51 giles

Document adding the jbig2dec source to the source release.

[doc/Release.htm 1.79]

2003-08-02 22:50 igor (details)

Fix (pdfwrite) : Providing an access to the original font matrix via a special
font dictionary key /.OrigFont (part 2).

[src/gdevpdtt.c 1.53, src/zbfont.c 1.23]

2003-08-02 15:52 igor (details)

Fix (pdfwrite) : A workaround for Type 3 fonts with instandard BuildChar.

[src/gdevpdti.c 1.18, src/gsccode.h 1.12, src/zbfont.c 1.22]

2003-08-02 12:00 igor (details)

Fix (pdfwrite) : xshow, xyshow array index was wrong.

[src/gdevpdtc.c 1.26, src/gdevpdte.c 1.41]

2003-08-02 09:54 igor (details)

Fix (pdfwrite) : gs_copied_can_copy_glyphs used glyph names instead glyph indices with Type 42.

[src/gxfcopy.c 1.31]

2003-08-01 20:37 igor (details)

Fix (pdfwrite) : Providing an access to the original font matrix via a special
font dictionary key /.OrigFont .

[lib/gs_fonts.ps 1.39, src/gdevpdtt.c 1.52, src/gsfont.c 1.21, src/gxfont.h 1.20, src/zbfont.c 1.21]

2003-08-01 16:50 jack

Update News.htm with current open bugs and incompatible changes.

[doc/News.htm 1.133]

2003-08-01 15:53 giles

Remove a redundant dependency definition.

[src/lib.mak 1.130]

2003-08-01 15:40 giles

Set release dates on the documenation.

[doc/News.htm 1.132, man/dvipdf.1 1.25, man/font2c.1 1.25, man/gs.1 1.26, man/gslp.1 1.25, man/gsnd.1 1.25, man/pdf2dsc.1 1.24, man/pdf2ps.1 1.26, man/pdfopt.1 1.24, man/pf2afm.1 1.25, man/pfbtopfa.1 1.26, man/printafm.1 1.25, man/ps2ascii.1 1.24, man/ps2epsi.1 1.23, man/ps2pdf.1 1.30, man/ps2pdfwr.1 1.29, man/ps2ps.1 1.32, man/wftopfa.1 1.25]

2003-08-01 15:21 giles

Update release date for stable 8.11 release.

[doc/News.htm 1.131, src/gscdef.c 1.37, src/version.mak 1.64]

2003-07-31 20:14 alexcher

Create a table that decides whether the glyph index belongs to
[WinAnsiEncoding, StandardEncoding, MacExpertEncoding], or SymbolEncoding,
or none of them. Use this table instead of searching the encoding vectors
for every glyph.
Fix bug 686929

[doc/Develop.htm 1.118, src/devs.mak 1.93, src/gdevpdtv.c 1.1, src/gdevpdtv.h 1.1, src/gdevpdtw.c 1.20, toolbin/encs2c.ps 1.4]

2003-07-31 12:15 igor (details)

Fix (the new Type 1 hinter) : Accent was misplaced in composite Type 2 glyphs.

[src/gstype2.c 1.27, src/gxhintn.c 1.29]

2003-07-30 20:24 giles

Document the .bindnow operator and the need to rebind bind to .bind after
calling it with -dDELAYBIND. Closes bug 633299.

[doc/Language.htm 1.73, doc/Use.htm 1.87]

2003-07-30 15:48 ray

Remove superfluous 'save pop' from .setpdfwrite definition since gs_init.ps
now performs the outer level save which addresses the font loading issue
.setpdfwrite was solving.

[lib/gs_pdfwr.ps 1.35]

2003-07-30 13:35 ray

Add -dNOOUTERSAVE when -c false 0 startjob pop is used to set up a job
server environment so that Genoa tests will operate as if under a job
server and so that global VM will be restored when Genoa tests check the
exitserver operation.

[toolbin/tests/gstestgs.py 1.20]

2003-07-30 07:26 ray (details)

Add an initial outermost save unless -dNOOUTERSAVE option is specified.
Fixes Bug #686972 and others that were closed with the instructions to
use -c "save pop" prior to the file.

[doc/Use.htm 1.86, lib/gs_init.ps 1.93]

2003-07-30 00:25 giles (details)

Properly handle the absence of a parameter dictionary in the JBIG2Decode
filter implementation. Closes bug 686979.

[src/zfjbig2.c 1.3]

2003-07-29 12:24 giles

Correct capitalization of the -d parameter in the IJS examples.

[doc/Devices.htm 1.68]

2003-07-26 19:23 dan

Correct a problem which was created when the SeparationOrder parameter
was implemented.  The usual symptom was an uninitialized value left in
the cyan component for a gray color space.

[src/gdevdevn.c 1.9]

2003-07-25 14:08 giles

Build fix of the jbig2 makefile. OOur portable (v)snprintf implementation is
in snprintf.c, notvsnprintf.c. Reported in but 686966.

[src/jbig2.mak 1.6]

2003-07-25 00:05 giles

Record that .buildnativefontmap has been run even if .getnativefonts returns
false (unimplemented). This was causing an endless loop if a font was not
found as dofindfont tried to call the native font enumeration code over and

[lib/gs_fonts.ps 1.38]

2003-07-24 15:22 ray (details)

Fix a SEGV that could occur during 'shfill' if a GC occurred between the
.buildhading and the .shfill internal operators.

[src/gsshade.c 1.9, src/gsshade.h 1.7, src/gsstruct.h 1.16]

2003-07-24 00:25 giles

Fix security issue with .setnativefontmapbuilt. Procedures that change the
systemdict must be execute-only so the .forceput cannot be extracted and
used to change other parameters. Thanks to Russell Lang for this.

[lib/gs_fonts.ps 1.37]

2003-07-24 00:07 giles

Since globaldict isn't always available and userdict is subject to save/restore,
keep /.nativefontmapbuilt in systemdict, with an accompanying procedure to set
its value since systemdict is read-only from the normal runlevel.

[lib/gs_fonts.ps 1.36]

2003-07-23 23:31 giles

Record whether the .buildnativefontmap has been run as a boolean under
the key /.nativefontmapbuilt in userdict, instead of the array hack
used previously.

A better choice would be globaldict which is less susceptible to save/restore
but this is a language level 2 feature and not defined with gs_fonts.ps is

[lib/gs_fonts.ps 1.35]

2003-07-23 21:27 raph

More transparency fixes: set color space when computing /BC in soft-mask
transparency groups. Implement /TR transfer function in soft-mask groups.

[lib/pdf_draw.ps 1.73, src/gdevp14.c 1.18]

2003-07-23 17:20 giles (details)

Enable native font enumeration by default. This change also corrects some
flaws in the search logic. Like with the FONTPATH directory scanning,
.buildnativefontmap will only be called the first time a font cannot be found.
However, it can still be run manually to update the in-memory Fontmap.

[lib/gs_fonts.ps 1.34]

2003-07-19 06:13 raph

More transparency fixes: fix broken remapping of Separation and DeviceN
colorspaces in PDF 1.4 mode. Convert background color for soft mask
groups to DeviceGray colorspace using PostScript code (currentgray).

[lib/pdf_draw.ps 1.72, src/gdevp14.c 1.17, src/ztrans.c 1.20]

2003-07-18 21:40 raph

Draws the alpha plane of PDF 1.4 SMask images as a soft masked group.

[lib/pdf_draw.ps 1.71]

2003-07-17 13:49 giles

Speed up native font enumeration on MacOS by caching the results of parsing the FOND resource

Also return paths of the from '%macresource%path:to:file#POST' for resource files without
FOND tables, on the assumption these are LWFN files. The font loading machinery doesn't yet
support such paths, and they are simply skipped without being added to the in-memory font map.

[src/gp_macio.c 1.27]

2003-07-15 16:47 giles

Rename reftable to fond_table, etc. to avoid confusion with postscript references.

[src/gp_macio.c 1.26]

2003-07-15 01:05 giles (details)

Improve native font enumeration on MacOS. This feature is still not enabled.

[src/gp_macio.c 1.25]

2003-07-14 19:32 ray (details)

Read a PostScript embedded ICC input profile into a bytestring (.bigstring)
rather than a temp file. This is faster and doesn't leave the temp file
laying around. Bug #686926 for Artifex customer #1110.

[lib/gs_icc.ps 1.10]

2003-07-14 07:20 ghostgum

Exclude NT file attributes when building zip file of sources.

[doc/Release.htm 1.78]

2003-07-11 15:18 giles

Have configure define DONT_HAVE_JMEMSYS_H is appropriate, is support of the eventual generation of gconfig_.h by the configure script rather than unix-aux.mak.

[src/configure.ac 1.32]

2003-07-10 22:32 dan

Added casts to remove some warning messages from MSVC.  Partial fix for
bug #686592.

[src/gdevdevn.c 1.8, src/gdevpsd.c 1.5]

2003-07-10 19:21 ray

Comment out the #define for the DUMP_TO_PNG debug mode (it will need make
file changes to compile correctly since png.h may not be on standard
include paths.

[src/gdevp14.c 1.16]

2003-07-10 18:42 raph

First batch of transparency improvments. With these changes,
ChineseOpera.ai and a number of other files using soft mask groups
should render correctly.

[src/gdevp14.c 1.15, src/gstrans.c 1.17, src/gxblend.c 1.5]

2003-07-10 18:34 raph

A code clarity change only. Make the value of 1-input stitching function
more explicit in the degenerate case.

[src/gsfunc3.c 1.15]

2003-07-10 18:07 giles

Update version information and links to the web and bts sites, after a patch from Ambrose Li. Bug 686939.

[doc/Bug-info.htm 1.36, doc/New-user.htm 1.47]

2003-07-10 17:55 giles

Generate the list of X11 libraries we need to link to in configure. Previously this was hardwired, but some systems do require the addition of the X_PRE_LIBS and X_EXTRA_LIBS discovered by the configure macro. Closes bug 686938.

[src/Makefile.in 1.26, src/configure.ac 1.31]

2003-07-10 17:46 ray

Prevent divide by zero when invalid Bounds arrays are encountered. Earlier
we allowed invalid Bounds to be compatible with Adobe, but did not supply
a non-zero denominator value. Fix required for ChineseOpera.ai

[src/gsfunc3.c 1.14]

2003-07-10 17:11 giles

Recognize the 0.3 source release jbig2dec.

[src/configure.ac 1.30]

2003-07-10 17:08 giles

Improve a comment in the generated gconfig_.h on unix.

[src/unix-aux.mak 1.10]

2003-07-10 02:56 ray

Add some casts to prevent excessive warnings when compiling C fonts with
MSVC 6. This only affects the syntax of the generated fonts.

[lib/font2c.ps 1.6]

2003-07-09 23:55 igor (details)

Fix: Cygwin/gcc warnings.

[src/gxtype1.c 1.26, src/zchar1.c 1.31]

2003-07-09 23:46 igor (details)

pdfwrite : Improving the font metrics handling.

[src/gdevpdtc.c 1.25, src/gdevpdte.c 1.40, src/gdevpdtt.c 1.51, src/gstype42.c 1.32, src/gxfcopy.c 1.30, src/gxtype1.c 1.25, src/ichar1.h 1.10, src/int.mak 1.114, src/zchar1.c 1.30, src/zfcid1.c 1.18]

2003-07-09 14:03 igor

Fixing a C++ style comment in fapi_ft.c.

[src/fapi_ft.c 1.10]

2003-07-08 21:03 giles

Don't redefine _Windows, since msvctail.mak passes it on the command line. Fixes a warning under
MSVC reported by Igor Melichev.

[src/iapi.h 1.10]

2003-07-08 17:31 giles

Use 'fontname' instead of 'name' as an argument to gp_enumerate_fonts_next()
to avoid a warning on MSVC. Thanks to Igor for pointing out the issue.

[src/gp.h 1.24, src/gp_dvx.c 1.10, src/gp_iwatc.c 1.15, src/gp_macio.c 1.24, src/gp_mswin.c 1.21, src/gp_os2.c 1.28, src/gp_os9.c 1.11, src/gp_unix.c 1.12, src/gp_vms.c 1.31, src/zfontenum.c 1.3]

2003-07-08 15:02 giles

Add dmmain.c to the list of (platform-specific) source files exempt from the C++ comment policy.

[toolbin/tests/check_comments.py 1.2]

2003-07-08 14:58 giles

Remove some C++ style comments.

[src/gsiomacres.c 1.4]

2003-07-08 14:56 giles

Remove some C++ style comments and correct formatting.

[src/zfontenum.c 1.2]

2003-07-08 14:51 giles

Add zfontenum.c to the file listing in the documentation.

[doc/Develop.htm 1.117]

2003-07-08 13:26 igor (details)

Fix (pdfwrite) : Enlarge font resource arrays on demand.

[src/gdevpdtc.c 1.24, src/gdevpdtf.c 1.31, src/gdevpdtf.h 1.20]

2003-07-07 21:54 jack

Implement C++ style comment checking.  Partially fixes bug #538033.

[toolbin/tests/check_comments.py 1.1]

2003-07-07 21:53 jack

Require python2.2 now, since the new C++ style comment checking requires it.

[toolbin/tests/check_all.py 1.4, toolbin/tests/check_dirs.py 1.7, toolbin/tests/check_docrefs.py 1.8, toolbin/tests/check_source.py 1.6, toolbin/tests/dump_testdb 1.5, toolbin/tests/get_baselines 1.2, toolbin/tests/gscheck_all.py 1.4, toolbin/tests/gscheck_fuzzypdf.py 1.6, toolbin/tests/gscheck_pdfwrite.py 1.14, toolbin/tests/gscheck_raster.py 1.5, toolbin/tests/make_testdb 1.11, toolbin/tests/make_two_pdfversions 1.7, toolbin/tests/make_two_versions 1.11, toolbin/tests/revert_baseline 1.11, toolbin/tests/revert_pdfbaseline 1.9, toolbin/tests/run_nightly 1.19, toolbin/tests/run_regression 1.12, toolbin/tests/testdiff 1.3, toolbin/tests/update_baseline 1.12, toolbin/tests/update_pdfbaseline 1.8]

2003-07-04 19:31 giles (details)

Initial check in of the native font enumeration mechanism with an implementation for MacOS. The
code is currently disabled pending resolution of bugs regarding some font files.

[lib/gs_fonts.ps 1.33, src/gp.h 1.23, src/gp_dvx.c 1.9, src/gp_iwatc.c 1.14, src/gp_macio.c 1.23, src/gp_mswin.c 1.20, src/gp_os2.c 1.27, src/gp_os9.c 1.10, src/gp_unix.c 1.11, src/gp_vms.c 1.30, src/int.mak 1.113, src/zfontenum.c 1.1]

2003-07-04 15:08 giles

Apparently Metrowerks CodeWarrior defines _WINDOWS_ instead of the normal __WINDOWS__. Support both for determining the calling conventions of the client api. Problem reported by Des Courtney as bug 686934.

[src/iapi.h 1.9]

2003-07-04 13:02 giles

Add the new get_baselines script to the regression test documentation.

[doc/Testing.htm 1.20]

2003-07-03 12:20 igor (details)

Fix (Type 1 hinter) : -dAlignToPixels=0 was ignored with -dNOCACHE.

[src/gdevpsfx.c 1.21, src/gstype1.c 1.24, src/gstype1.h 1.7, src/gstype2.c 1.26, src/gxfcopy.c 1.29, src/gxhintn.c 1.28, src/gxhintn.h 1.13, src/gxtype1.c 1.24, src/gxtype1.h 1.13, src/zchar1.c 1.29]

2003-07-02 23:41 jack

Report upgraded baselines in the last 24 hours. Closes bug #654532.

[toolbin/tests/get_baselines 1.1, toolbin/tests/gscheck_raster.py 1.4, toolbin/tests/run_nightly 1.18, toolbin/tests/testing.cfg.example 1.3]

2003-07-02 14:35 giles

Change the release instructions to refer to GPL Ghostscript rather than GNU Ghostscript. We're no longer part of the GNU project. Closes bug 686913.

[doc/Release.htm 1.77]

2003-07-02 13:16 giles

Document passing -DGX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE in unixansi.mak in response to the confusion reported in bug 686876.

[src/unixansi.mak 1.32]

2003-07-01 15:01 giles

Correct a bug with zero-length files in .findfontvalue, used by .findfonttype and .findfontname.

[lib/gs_fonts.ps 1.32, lib/gs_ttf.ps 1.31]

2003-07-01 14:41 giles

Document the need to set /OutputFile to a valid filename before calling 'setdevice' with the pdfwrite device. Closes bug 686784.

[doc/Language.htm 1.72]

2003-07-01 10:00 igor

Fix : merge Adobe Glyph List to gs/Resource/Decoding/Unicode.

[Resource/Decoding/Unicode 1.3]

2003-07-01 04:37 alexcher

Fix premature increment of a nested string counter.
Skip white space characters before '(' on 0 level.

[src/geninit.c 1.8]

2003-07-01 04:19 alexcher

Include default font map into compiled initialization files but use it only
if the default font map file fails to open at run time.
Fix bug 414985.

[lib/Fontmap 1.2, lib/gs_fonts.ps 1.31, doc/Make.htm 1.68]

2003-06-30 16:23 alexcher

Fix a typo in a comment.

[lib/gs_stres.ps 1.5]

2003-06-26 22:42 dan

Fix for 686927  Bug in implementation of .hsb2rgb (gs_cspace.ps).
This is a bug report, fix, and a test file from Heiko Oberdiek.
I love it when the bug reporter also includes an analysis, a fix and a
test file.  The problem was an error in the calculations for an HSB (hue,
saturation, brightness) color to RGB when the hue was 1.  The only change
that I made in Heiko's fix was to change a few more comments.

[lib/gs_cspace.ps 1.6]

2003-06-26 22:20 alexcher

PDF fonts can have different widths assigned to character codes corresponding
to the same glyph. There is no equivalent feature in PostScript. In this case
we define a new entry in CharString dictionary, and change Encoding vector and
Metrics accordingly. Currently the font adjustment is applied to Type1,
MMType1, and TrueType font resources as defined in adjustfonttypes dictionary.
Fixes bug 623292

[lib/pdf_font.ps 1.57, lib/pdf_ops.ps 1.30]

2003-06-26 15:59 alexcher

Don't oversample characters for rendering in non-pure color. Search the
character cache for the exact match -- don't do routine downsampling.
Move cached image depth calculations to compute_glyph_raster_params().
Fix downsampling depth calculation although it is not expected to be used
in normal operation. Leave the downsampling code intact because it is also
used for error recovery.
Fix bug 570772 from customer 1.

[src/gxccache.c 1.17, src/gxccman.c 1.8, src/gxchar.c 1.29]

2003-06-26 09:14 igor

Fix : Improving an error message.

[src/imain.c 1.32]

2003-06-24 10:57 igor

Fix : gs/Resource/Decoding/Unicode contained wrong codes for Cyrillic and Herbrew.

[Resource/Decoding/Unicode 1.2]

2003-06-22 11:15 igor

Fix (pdfwrite) : pdev->black and pdev->white were not set when ProcessColorModel changes.
Bug 686921 "/ProcessColorModel /DeviceCMYK causes black page".

[src/gdevpdfg.c 1.33]

2003-06-21 15:16 igor

Fix (pdfwrite) : Improving the condition for writing ToUnicode CMap for simple fonts.

[src/gdevpdte.c 1.39, src/gdevpdtw.c 1.19]

2003-06-21 12:12 igor

Fix : Remove LONG_MIN from gxfill.c for a better portability.

[src/gxfill.c 1.38]

2003-06-20 15:52 giles

Give the explicit maximum buffer size in bytes. Suggestion by Ray re bug

[doc/API.htm 1.35, doc/DLL.htm 1.31]

2003-06-20 14:32 giles

Document the 64 KB length limit on input data passed through the
gsapi_run_string* and gsdll_run_cont() calls. Fixes bug 686925.

[doc/API.htm 1.34, doc/DLL.htm 1.30]

2003-06-20 13:20 giles (details)

Remove  inclusions as it defines types that conflict with our
std*.h on HPUX and probably other systems. Fix for bug 686920.

Also correct the copyright dates for gxhintn.c.

[src/gxfill.c 1.37, src/gxhintn.c 1.27]

2003-06-20 11:23 giles

Declare zimage_data_setup() as private to match its prototype. Corrects
a warning on the HPUX native compiler.

[src/zimage.c 1.11]

2003-06-19 15:38 igor (details)

Fix (pdfwrite) : FontMatrix was wrong when a standard font is used
with various encodings.

[src/gdevpdtb.c 1.20, src/gdevpdtd.c 1.13, src/gdevpdtf.c 1.30, src/gdevpdtt.c 1.50, src/gxfcopy.c 1.28, src/gdevpdtb.h 1.9, src/gdevpdtf.h 1.19, src/gxfcopy.h 1.9]

2003-06-18 20:51 alexcher

Windows 2000 driver includes PJL into %%BeginFeature block.
Identify this from the operand stack pattern: countdictstack lucas mark
and fail the feature request.
Fix bug 686916

[lib/gs_init.ps 1.92]

2003-06-18 20:01 alexcher

Use single '%' in a comment.

[lib/gs_stres.ps 1.4]

2003-06-18 19:58 alexcher

Activate DSC parser only after all prologue files are read to
prevent spurious comments starting with '%%' from disturbing the parser.

[lib/gs_pdfwr.ps 1.34]

2003-06-18 19:56 alexcher

Fix mis-identificaion of every DSC-conforming file as EPS.

[src/gdevpdfp.c 1.32]

2003-06-18 19:53 alexcher

Add a paragraph documenting current page orientation options,
document limitations on ps2pdf options, and show a work-around.
Fixes bug 592930

[doc/Ps2pdf.htm 1.54]

2003-06-18 13:30 igor (details)

pdfwrite : Generate ToUnicode CMaps for CID fonts.

[src/gdevpdf.c 1.69, src/gdevpdtc.c 1.23, src/gdevpdte.c 1.38, src/zbfont.c 1.20]

2003-06-17 13:41 igor (details)

Fix (type 1 hinter) : Don't apply alignment zone to horizontal stems
when the shift is bigger than half pixel.

[src/gxhintn.c 1.26]

2003-06-17 12:10 giles

Clarify a comment.

[src/macos-mcp.mak 1.20]

2003-06-17 09:42 igor (details)

Implementing the text rendering mode 3 with graphics library
to allowing PDF interpreter with pdfwrite to pass invisible text (continued).

[src/gsstate.c 1.20, src/gxistate.h 1.16]

2003-06-16 15:04 igor (details)

Implementing the text rendering mode 3 with graphics library
to allowing PDF interpreter with pdfwrite to pass invisible text.

[src/gdevpdte.c 1.37, src/gdevpdtt.c 1.49, src/gsstate.h 1.9, src/gstext.c 1.12, src/int.mak 1.112, src/zchar.c 1.11, src/zgstate.c 1.8, lib/pdf_ops.ps 1.29]

2003-06-16 10:46 igor (details)

Fix : (type 1 interpreter) : ce1_setcurrentpoint was wrong (3nd attempt).

[src/gdevpsfx.c 1.20, src/gxhintn.c 1.25]

2003-06-11 19:49 igor (details)

Fix : (type 1 interpreter) : ce1_setcurrentpoint was wrong (2nd attempt).

[src/gdevpsfx.c 1.19, src/gxhintn.c 1.24]

2003-06-11 12:02 igor

Fix : Errors in a comment documenting gs_glyph.

[src/gsccode.h 1.11]

2003-06-11 01:35 giles

Print out modified file names and versions when generating the html changelog. Update the current
versions of Changes.html and Details.html as an example.

[doc/Changes.htm 1.47, doc/Details.htm 1.6]

2003-06-11 01:31 giles

Print out modified filenames and versions when generating the html changelog.

[toolbin/split_changelog.py 1.5]

2003-06-10 14:29 igor

Fix : (type 1 interpreter) : ce1_setcurrentpoint was wrong.

[src/gdevpsfx.c 1.18, src/gstype1.c 1.23]

2003-06-09 22:25 alexcher

Edited to reflect new capabilities of Bugzilla and current bug reporting

[doc/Bug-form.htm 1.37]

2003-06-09 22:16 alexcher

Change links from SourceForge bug tracker,
to Ghostscript Bugzilla, http://bugs.ghostscript.com
Fix bug #686888

[doc/Bug-info.htm 1.35, doc/Make.htm 1.67]

2003-06-09 21:55 alexcher

Add hyperlinks to Ghostscript Bugzilla bug entries.

[doc/Devices.htm 1.67, doc/Issues.htm 1.37, doc/Projects.htm 1.52]

2003-06-09 13:58 alexcher (details)

Permit explicit specification of /GDBytes equal to 0 for incrementally
downloadable CIDFonts.
Fixes bug 686890 from customer 131.

[src/zfcid.c 1.14]

2003-06-08 13:59 igor

Fix : Removing an unused code.

[src/gdevbit.c 1.8]

2003-06-08 03:30 igor (details)

Fix : Completing the extended semantics of gs_glyph.

[src/zfont42.c 1.16]

2003-06-07 21:17 igor (details)

pdfwrite : Write Encoding for True Type fonts.

[src/gdevpdtt.c 1.48]

2003-06-07 21:14 igor (details)

Fix (PDF interpreter) : Account Encoding while building CharStrings for TrueType fonts.

[lib/gs_ttf.ps 1.30, lib/pdf_font.ps 1.56]

2003-06-06 17:50 igor (details)

Fix (pdfwrite) : Convert Type 0 fonts with multiple CID font descendents into
Type 0 fonts with single CID font descendents (the part 3).

[src/gdevdevn.c 1.7, src/gdevpdtc.c 1.22, src/gdevpdtd.c 1.12, src/gdevpdtf.c 1.29, src/gdevpdtt.c 1.47, src/gdevpsf.h 1.24, src/gdevpsft.c 1.30, src/gdevpsfu.c 1.11, src/gdevtrac.c 1.5, src/gsccode.h 1.10, src/gstype42.c 1.31, src/gxfcopy.c 1.27, src/gxfont42.h 1.15, src/zfcid1.c 1.17, src/zfont42.c 1.15]

2003-06-06 16:29 alexcher

Process encryption dictionary after reading all parts of xref. Old code
resolved encryption dictionary after reading the latest part of xref only
and returned null instead of the dictionary for some files.
Fixes bug 686907 from customer 1060.

[lib/pdf_main.ps 1.75]

2003-06-03 07:31 igor

pdfwrite : Don't add subset prefix when a font doesn't embeed.
Ghostscript Bug 686893  NeverEmbed for Japanese CID fonts doesn't work correctly
Patch from Koji Nakamaru.

[src/gdevpdtf.c 1.28]

2003-06-03 06:26 dan

Fix for 686785 segfault with PDF 1.4.  The PDF interpreter was calling
PDF 1.4 transparency features (begin_trasnparency_group) even though
the alpha involved was 1.0.  THe fix is to set a flag when the need
for transparency is done at the start of a page and then testing it
when transparency may be needed durng the page.

[lib/pdf_draw.ps 1.70, lib/pdf_main.ps 1.74]

2003-06-03 05:30 dan

This fix corrects a recursion loop that exists with PDF form objects
with a transparency group.

[lib/pdf_draw.ps 1.69]

2003-06-02 19:52 alexcher

Count 1st page objects as shared objects. This is the 1st version that
generates files compatible with AR5 used as a browser plug-in.
Earlier versions of Acrobat ignore malformed hint tables. All versions
ignore the tables when they read the file from disk.
Fixes bug 592841

[lib/pdfopt.ps 1.20]

2003-06-02 16:21 igor

pdfwrite : Glyph indices were wrongly computed with copied FontType 11.
Ghostscript Bug 686894 "Corrupted CMap".

[src/gxfcopy.c 1.26]

2003-06-02 13:35 giles

Add standard banner and (unnecessary) double include protection to satisfy policy tests.

[src/macos_carbon_pre.h 1.2]

2003-06-02 13:29 giles

Correct listing of MacOS platform-specific source files.

[doc/Develop.htm 1.116]

2003-05-31 00:10 ray

Previous commit was from a bad version of the file (prior to a local
correction in a different directory). This fix is the correct fix for
embedded fonts that have Length 0 for customer #590.

[lib/pdf_font.ps 1.55]

2003-05-30 23:28 ray

Some PDF files have embedded fonts with Length == 0. These should default
to the same handling as when there is no embedded font. Fix for customer

[lib/pdf_font.ps 1.54]

2003-05-29 19:28 giles

Add an example library client for MacOS, comparable to dxmain and dwmain for other platforms. This
implementation is specific to Metrowerk CodeWarrior, relying on the MSL/SIOUX stdio implementation
for the interactive window. No project file support at the moment.

Code contributed by Nigel Hathaway.

[src/dmmain.c 1.1, src/dmmain.r 1.1]

2003-05-29 19:11 giles (details)

Add a prefix header file for the MacOS Carbon build to enable target-specific settings.

[src/macgenmcpxml.sh 1.10, src/macos_carbon_pre.h 1.1]

2003-05-29 19:02 giles (details)

Check for a valid filter name before trying to parse jbig2 global context streams.
Fixes bug 686829.

[lib/pdf_base.ps 1.38]

2003-05-29 16:38 giles

Remove spurious '-c' options to install. Closes bug 686895.

[ijs/Makefile.in 1.2]

2003-05-27 16:10 alexcher

Initialize current color value as null when pattern color space is set.
Fixes bug 686805

[src/zpcolor.c 1.10]

2003-05-24 22:41 igor

Fix : Don't fail when GlyphNames2Unicode can't be provided for a CID font.

[lib/gs_fntem.ps 1.6]

2003-05-24 17:19 dan

A pair of fixes for Bug 686791   Device bitcmyk produces wrong output
The bitcmyk device produce the wrong output if GrayValues=8.  In this
case the pixel size is 32 bits.  The encode_color procedure was sign
extending the  MSB into the upper 32 bits of 64 bit gx_color_indexes.
The fix in gdevbit.c prevents this from happening.  The fix in gdevm32.c
makes it so that it does not matter.  I am including both for
completeness.  The bitcmyk device should not produce garbage in the
remaining bits.  Thus the first fix.  However there may be other
devices with this problem so I am including the fix in gdevm32.c.
There was a recent report from an AIX system with a similar problem

[src/gdevbit.c 1.7, src/gdevm32.c 1.5]

2003-05-23 09:57 igor

Provide a trial support for converting a text to Unicode.

[lib/gs_cidfn.ps 1.27, lib/gs_fntem.ps 1.5, lib/gs_fonts.ps 1.30, lib/gs_pdfwr.ps 1.33, src/gdevpdtc.c 1.21, src/zbfont.c 1.19]

2003-05-23 01:53 ray (details)

Stream 'position' was not update correctly under some conditions.
Fixes Bug #686859 for customer #600.

[src/stream.c 1.22]

2003-05-22 23:37 igor (details)

pdfwrite : Convert Type 0 fonts with multiple CID font descendents into
Type 0 fonts with single CID font descendents (part 2).

[src/gdevpdfv.c 1.26, src/gdevpdtc.c 1.20, src/gdevpdtf.c 1.27, src/gdevpdtf.h 1.18, src/gdevpdtt.c 1.46, src/gdevpdtt.h 1.17, src/zfcid0.c 1.20]

2003-05-22 22:57 giles

Double-equals ('==') for string comparison is not portable shell. Thanks
to Nelson Beebe for pointing out the issue.

[src/configure.ac 1.29]

2003-05-22 20:27 igor

Fix : Removed a debug hack.

[src/gsfcmap1.c 1.6]

2003-05-22 15:51 ray

PDF Forms that contained indirect objects need to be resolved prior to
processing with 'execform'. Bug #686884 for customer #150.

[lib/pdf_draw.ps 1.68]

2003-05-22 15:41 igor (details)

Fix (pdfwrite) : Convert Type 0 fonts with multiple CID font descendents into
Type 0 fonts with single CID font descendents.

[src/gdevpdfm.c 1.31, src/gdevpdfv.c 1.25, src/gdevpdtb.c 1.19, src/gdevpdtc.c 1.19, src/gdevpdtf.c 1.26, src/gdevpdtf.h 1.17, src/gdevpdtt.c 1.45, src/gdevpdtt.h 1.16, src/gdevpdtw.c 1.18, src/gdevpdtw.h 1.3, src/gdevpsf.h 1.23, src/gdevpsfm.c 1.14, src/gsfcmap.c 1.22, src/gxfcmap.h 1.15, src/zcidtest.c 1.3]

2003-05-22 06:02 igor (details)

Fix (pdfwrite) : Removing the 'vdata' argument to simplify internal interfaces.

[src/gdevpdtc.c 1.18, src/gdevpdte.c 1.36, src/gdevpdtt.c 1.44, src/gdevpdtt.h 1.15]

2003-05-21 17:50 giles

Bump version number after the 8.10 release.

[doc/News.htm 1.130, lib/gs_init.ps 1.91, src/gscdef.c 1.36, src/version.mak 1.63]